We love to inform people on the latest industry trends and how to make educated financial choices. Be sure to stay connected with us, and updated with our discussions!

financial planner earnings season netflix

Earnings Season Has Started. And There’s Mixed Financial Results…

Over the past week, earnings season started! Right now we are watching to see if companies performed better than expected or reported less earnings per share than expected. Do you ever look back at the results of a project you’ve been working on to see how it performed? This is what we get to do with every…

financial planner deer park financial habits draft

Financial Habits Weave Into So Many Areas Of Our Life [Video]

Finances weave into so many areas of our life, so we need to start early with good financial habits! Think about it. Do you ever go back and think about all of the decisions, or the choices that you’ve made in a day? Let’s just try it. Just so you can truly understand all those choices. And the type, or…

financial planner deer park interest rates sp 500

The S&P 500 Hit 3000! What Comes First: Trade, The Fed, Interest Rates, or Yourself?

The S&P 500 hit 3000. Did you miss it this week? After news from Fed Chairman Powell the market rallied slightly to reach a new all-time high. We aren’t certain of whether the Fed will lower rates as the market hopes. Will it be by a full 1% when they do or just half of…


Roth IRA Contributions [Video]

STEPHEN SMALENBERGER, EA ® So no matter what you read, what you listen to, you probably have heard max out your 401K. Put away money into retirement accounts. Max out maybe even your Roth IRA contributions. That’s all good advice, if you take it completely blind. But how many times have we taken advice blind, only to find after the fact that…

financial planner deer park Barrington il financial skills

Skills That Are Always In Demand [Video]

How often do you daydream in your head a job that you think would be really cool? Or maybe you dreamed about being a professional athlete? And maybe some of you had the skills that you could have done that. But you just missed an opportunity, or didn’t quite make the cut. There are things…

financial design studio financial planner deer park barrington peter principle draft

The Peter Principle Explains Our Incompetence [Video]  

Do you ever look back and think about the things that helped you get to where you are today? As you move up the ladder within your corporation, or you move from one opportunity to another –even between businesses. How does the Peter Principle teach you to never stop learning — regardless of how high a…

financial design studio summer school financial planner deer park barrington il

Summer School

Summer School School is out for the year and your summer fun has probably already started! Remember before school ended that the teachers were telling you to keep reading or practicing something over the summer? There are statistics that show how important it is for kids to continue reading every day even during the summer…

financial design studio encourage your student to lower your household payroll

Encourage Your Student To Lower The Household Payroll [Video]

Encourage Your Student To Lower The Household Payroll [Video] | I want to share with you, a few ways that you can be encouraging students to continue to find resources and opportunities.


It’s Not Typical: This Recent Financial High

Are you riding this week’s financial high? Remember these second chances we’ve discussed that you’re being given to make any allocation changes necessary to adjust your risk for volatility you don’t like to see. And maybe you’ve seen the past few days of gains the market has continued in. With the market near it’s high,…

Financial Design Studio IMplementing the seinfield strategy

[Video] Implementing A [Jerry] Seinfeld Strategy

STEPHEN SMALENBERGER, EA ® Jerry Seinfeld– he’s one of the most successful comedians of all time. Whether you judge him based on his popularity, his critical acclaim, his longstanding sitcom, or just his funny jokes –he always produced. And he produced consistently. It’s documented that a young comedian met him backstage, and simply asked a…

financial design studio financial planner deer park barrington il gold trump

China Trade Festering + How Are Gold Investments Performing?

Over the last several weeks as trade tensions with China have started to fester again, we’ve mentioned that if you don’t like the volatility you should make some changes. Let’s talk about what some of those changes can be (including Gold investments). Ultimately, whatever changes you make will all be specific to your situation. Safer…

fds draft how do you communicate financial planner deer park barrington il

[Video] How Do You Communicate?

MICHELLE SMALENBERGER, CFP ® How do you communicate with other people? And better yet, how do you communicate with your financial adviser? Are you in a meeting and you ask a question and then they answer back. This might seem simple, but this process of information going back and forth is communication. Do you share…