October 2020 Financial Planning & Investment Newsletter

by Financial Design Studio, Inc. / October 22, 2020

In This Issue: Financial Planning & Investing

Each month we cover Financial Planning & Investing topics that apply to you.  We cover a variety of topics to point out timely information that applies to you.  See what’s in our October 2020 Investment Newsletter!

In This Issue


Who’s Ready for the Election?  If the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is any indication, we’re in for a heckuva election in November. Investors have their views about what the election of one or the other will mean for the stock market. Oftentimes, the worst fears of these investors never came to pass. History can be a good guide to keep investors grounded heading into an uncertain period.  Finish the article here!

Financial Planning: 

Saving Strategies for High-Income Earners- One of the most common questions we get from high earning business owners and corporate executives is: how can I be saving more money for retirement?  In this video and post, we’ll look at retirement saving strategies and tax saving tips for high income earners. 


Be Proactive: Tax Analysis- One question we hear a lot from those who are self-employed and doing some type of payroll is: “How do I balance my taxes and save for the future?” For this let’s discuss your tax analysis…Let’s go through an example so I can show you some of the mechanics of how a tax analysis works.  See the video here!

Estate Planning:  

Did You Finish Your Estate Planning Documents? Recently I heard a statistic about estate planning documents showing the percentage of documents that never get done.  This percentage was 86% of estate planning documents never get finished. So this statistic says that 86% of those people that start, never finish. They never actually sign them. That is really what puts this in as a priority. You can have them beautifully drafted and they say what you want, but if you never sign them, then they actually aren’t enforced.   See more here!

College Savings:

Filling Out the FAFSA-  In this week’s post, we want to walk through the 2021-2022 FAFSA form application so you can see what to expect as you begin the application process with your student. Since every family’s situation is different, I’m not going to dive into every single question you may have. The FAFSA site has a nice instruction guide that you can reference as you go through the FAFSA application.  Read the post for our walk through of the application!

Click here for the October 2020 Investment Newsletter and Download it now.   

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Financial Design Studio, Inc.

We are financial advisors in Deer Park and Barrington, IL. A team with a passion for helping others design a path to financial success — whatever success means for you. Each of our unique insights fit together to create broad expertise, complete roadmaps, and creative solutions. We have seen the power of having a financial plan, and adjusting that plan to life. The result? Freedom from worrying about the future so you can enjoy today.