
fee only financial advisor deer park barrington chicago coronavirus financial market update draft

What We Expect Ahead With The Coronavirus Financial Market Update [Video] 

Hi everyone, this is your weekly market update. We felt it was important this week to talk a little more in-depth about these issues. As time goes on, we know the market has been a little volatile, these are things we want to talk through instead of writing. Let’s talk through the things of where…

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86% Of Estate Planning Documents Don’t Get Finished [Video]

Recently I heard a statistic about how estate planning documents don’t get finished. They showed the percentage of documents that never get done. This percentage was 86% of estate planning documents never get finished.  What this means is if you get those documents drafted, that could be a will, trust, or power of attorney, you…

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Stay Alert! Things Change. Like Better Interest Rates[Video]

Did you know that interest rates have actually been trending higher? Which means the money you have been saving in your savings account can also be earning more.  I want to show you what this looks like and if you don’t pay attention to things like this, what can happen. Let’s just look at the…

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Structure Determines Performance [Video]

Our daughter Emma loves to build puzzles. Initially she would find random pieces and try to put them together. Then she progressed to looking at this picture and finding the ones that are similar had the same colors. Eventually she got around to learning to find those corner pieces that edgings and then building structure. You know what? That’s true in our financial…

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Feel Versus Real [Video]

Sometimes there’s a difference between what we think we’re doing and what we actually are.  See, I love the game of golf and recently I took a little camera like this, went outside, set it up behind myself and hit record.  I took some swings and when I went back and looked at it, I…

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Speed Reading Versus Speed Understanding [Video]

Do you remember hearing stories or reading books when you were a kid. Someone was trying to teach you something and maybe there was a lesson in those stories they were trying to get you to understand.  Well one of these that was very popular was the tortoise and the hare. And in this story,…