Financial Love Skill [Video]

by Michelle Smalenberger, CFP® / February 12, 2022

With Valentine’s Day near, I want to share the acronym L.O.V.E.  This financial love skill is one thing that can help make you successful in your financial plan.

Financial Love Skill





As a parent you may agree that you are trying to get your kids to understand this skill.  This is not only important in your finances. When you are organized, things have a place and you learn to allocate those items to where they should go, rather than being cluttered or taking up extra space.  There are many things that once organized, can get allocated well. Those things can include time, money, your plans financially or for a day like Valentine’s. You’ve spent the time deciding what to do.

It’s also interesting that when we organize something we feel more confident and comfortable.  We know where things are. Just like you’ve planned the time together with your loved one(s). You likely feel better about the time you’re going to spend with them if you have organized or planned ahead of time.

So one of the things we can do ourselves or even teach our kids is this financial love skill of learning organization very early. When you do this you’re actually loving them just like the fun plans you have coming up!

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