[Video] Career Fairs Can Help Your Wallet, Too

by Financial Design Studio, Inc. / May 21, 2019


Could a career fair for your child, actually help your finances? Recently, we were invited to be a part of a career fair and offer some advice to students where they could ask questions of Steve and myself.

Being at the event, I remember the feeling of being back in high school and college and looking for opportunities and that first job.

Here are two tips that you can share with someone who is in this situation, and how this may help your wallet too.


Remember to stay in touch. I remember when I was a sophomore, and I went to a financial planning conference –a national conference– and there were employers that would come to your booth to see students. And to kind of share about what their companies do. And I remember keeping all of those business cards. And when I graduated a year and half later, I actually reached out to those people. Usually we throw those business cards away. But I actually kept them, reached out to them, and one of those was actually a job offer that I was able to choose between.

You never know Who’s gonna be looking for employees and what employers are going to be looking for when the timing is right for you.

Stay in touch, keep that information, and don’t be afraid to reach out.


Secondly, stay curious. So at this career fair, there was one student who really stood out. Because he was asking different types of questions than the other students. It was telling of where he was in his career. So one of the questions that he was asking was, “What are the trends that you see?” This spoke volumes to me because I actually heard a speaker talk on this very subject. Every year, this speaker actually writes a book on the non-obvious trends called, The Non Obvious Trends Every Year. I decided to give this book to the student. But I felt like this might be really useful to the student, who seems to be entrepreneurial in mind.

So you never know what it is that’s going to be useful for students, or what you can offer to them. The sooner you can get the students in your self to be self-motivated, coming up with their own ideas, and getting that first job, the sooner you are going to get them off of your household payroll!

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