Friday’s Financial Update 6-9-2017
MICHELLE SMALENBERGER, CFP® A week of distraction can leave you questioning future direction. Let’s sum up this week for what it means to us. Much of this week’s news regarded events that happened later in the week. Thursday we heard the testimony of Ex-FBI Director James Comey, which consumed most of the media. With much…
Friday’s Financial Update 5-5-2017
Written By: Michelle Smalenberger, CFP ® This week brought news headlines from a variety of sources that affect investors here and around the world. Let’s highlight some of the biggest stories to catch you up! Economic: Reported this morning was a drop in unemployment and a higher than expected increase in jobs added. Increases of…
Friday’s Financial Update 3-31-2017
Written By: Michelle Smalenberger, CFP ® The last week of the 2017 first quarter has felt relatively quiet without large pending votes that may or may not signal expectations going forward. The U.S. stock market indexes posted another positive quarter, which again brings welcome gains to investors’ accounts. We could still see an upcoming…
Friday’s Financial Update 3-24-2017
Written By: Michelle Smalenberger, CFP® Did this week remind you of political seasons we have experienced over the past several years? It sure reminds us of times like the initial ACA legislation, Brexit, or more recently the elections. We have been awaiting results of legislation change with the proposed American Health Care Act and the…