Other Gift Options [Video]

by Michelle Smalenberger, CFP® / November 30, 2021

Let’s talk about other gift options for when you just can’t think of someTHING to give.  This is part of our year-end checklist of items for year-end but also specific to the giving season.  There are people that you just can’t think of the perfect item for, so here are some other ideas.

Ideas of Other Gift Options


When just giving money to someone, especially smaller children, maybe give three containers and teach them about spending, saving, and giving.


This can be a fun way to teach about investing to kids of all ages.  You could buy stock of a meaningful company to the child you’re giving to.  For example what are products or services they use on a daily basis, that they can understand owning stock.  For example maybe Disney, Nintendo, Apple, or Google.

Prepaid Services

If you know that someone needs to get something done but they just don’t want to or haven’t made it a priority to put money towards, you can chip in.  Some great examples of this can be prepaying for estate planning documents, tires or maintenance on autos or classes for their career or managing their finances.  This is a way to encourage something you know is important and valuable but also lifts the burden of them paying for it.

College Education

If you want to specifically put money towards college education you can help to fund a 529 for your children or grandchildren.

Matching Contributions

If you encourage them to contribute to something they need but you say I want to help you by giving this as a gift and you give half or some other percentage in toward that.  This helps to provide incentive toward getting something.

Remember with any gifts you make there is still a limit of $14,000 per person per year, before the gift becomes taxable.  If you’re a married couple you can give $28,000 per person per year, as each of the spouses is giving the $14,000.  This is known as gift-splitting.

If we can be helpful in your year-end planning or other gift options please let us know!

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