Stock Market

Emergency Rate Cut By The Federal Reserve fee only financial advisor deer park barrington draft

Emergency Rate Cut By The Federal Reserve

Emergency Rate Cut By The Federal Reserve   On Tuesday, March 3, the Federal Reserve announced a surprise rate cut of 0.50%. This was the seventh time in the last 20 years that the Federal Reserve cut rates between its normally scheduled meetings. Let’s look at the impact and implications. First, it’s important to point out…

fee only financial advisor deer park barrington coronavirus update draft II

Update On Coronavirus

We’ve spoken a couple of times about the Coronavirus since it first appeared on the scene in mid-January [Markets Survive Yet Another Scare & Coronavirus Impact On The Market]. Up until the past week, the issue was largely contained to China.  And China has reputation for providing low-quality (i.e. untrustworthy) data about their economy and…

fee only financial advisor deer park barrington draft II

Corporate Bonds: More Risk, Less Reward?

Two charts came across my desk recently that shed light on what I like to call “creeping risk” in the market. This happens when the character of an investment changes slowly over time without anyone really noticing the change. The first chart that caught my attention was a long-term historical chart of investment-grade corporate bond…


Markets Survive Yet Another Scare

Barely a month after the markets sold off due to the #WWIII scare between the U.S. and Iran, markets faced another test with the spread of the coronavirus. How did it fare this time around? It’s hard to believe the month of January is over! But here we are in February and the market has been…

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Coronavirus Impact On The Markets

Coronavirus Impact On The Markets News out of China of a new contagion – the coronavirus – has spooked stock markets across the globe. Investors are clearly concerned that the global economy could experience an unexpected slowdown due to the virus’s spread.  First, we need to realize that the human cost of the virus far…

Big stocks are driving the market fee only financial advisor deer park barrington chicago draft

Mega-Caps Big Stocks Are Driving The Market

Big Stocks Are Driving The Market In August 2018 Apple became the first company in America to be valued at more than $1 trillion. Since then, both Microsoft and Google have joined the ranks of trillion-dollar companies, with Amazon knocking at the door.   The rise of the “mega-caps” – as they’re referred to (a…