Teamwork Makes Dreams Work [Video]

by Financial Design Studio, Inc. / November 16, 2020

What Teamwork Means to Us:

This year it has been easy to feel isolated and we are especially reminded how important teamwork is.  Here are the ways we see the importance of teamwork at Financial Design Studio, Inc. 

  1. Working with each other or learning from each other’s knowledge and experience so that we can share and grow together. 
  2. Covering blind spots.  Where I have a significant weakness in a specific area someone else has a great strength. Teamwork is all about being together and being stronger.
  3. We are not in this alone. By working together we can relieve each other’s burdens and get a lot done.
  4. Together we are able to encourage each other.  Whether we are trying to push through to get something done or accomplish something new that may be hard we are able to encourage each other so that we are stronger for it. 

In these ways our team works so well to accomplish our client’s goals so we would like to partner with you and our community to MAKE OTHERS’ DREAMS POSSIBLE!

Teamwork ABLFK

Team with us for these organizations:

We have a couple options for you to consider.  Maybe you build a gingerbread house as a family tradition each year.  Financial Design Studio, Inc. would like you to consider buying one from “A Better Life for Kids”  a local charity here.  Not only can you build a gingerbread house with your family, but you can help others’ dreams become possible.  

Teamwork SPAnother option is with  “Operation Christmas Child” where you get a small box and fill it with necessities, clothing, and a few toys then all these boxes are collected and sent to needy kids all across the world. 

To really make our team even bigger we would like to team with you by matching the gifts that you are giving.  If you would like to give a toy or fill one of these boxes we would like to match what you are doing one per family.  

We will Match your donations:

Simply take a picture of the toy you are giving, the item you are giving, or the box you are filling as you are doing that.  Then post pictures of that on our Financial Design Studio social media pages(Facebook and LinkedIn) in the comments section so we can then match that for you.  We cannot wait to share the results with you in our New Years’ video! 

We are thankful for YOU!

All of us are so thankful for you and your family in our lives and we cannot wait to see what the rest of this year has in store.  We are thankful for all the blessings that have come about. From all of our families to yours Happy Thanksgiving!

Ready to take the next step?

Schedule a quick call with our financial advisors.

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Financial Design Studio, Inc.

We are financial advisors in Deer Park and Barrington, IL. A team with a passion for helping others design a path to financial success — whatever success means for you. Each of our unique insights fit together to create broad expertise, complete roadmaps, and creative solutions. We have seen the power of having a financial plan, and adjusting that plan to life. The result? Freedom from worrying about the future so you can enjoy today.