Finances & Your Family

Should You Refinance Your Mortgage? [Video]

Wondering if you should refinance your mortgage? This video will walk you through what you need to know from loan-to-value to interest rates.


The Mega Backdoor Roth Strategy

A Mega Backdoor Roth strategy is a powerful tool for high income earners that want to save more for retirement. Who can do it, and what are the rules you need to look for? Our in-depth article on the Mega Backdoor Roth will help you see if you’re eligible and then give you a step-by-step outline of how to maximize your retirement savings.


How to do a Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution

A Backdoor Roth IRA strategy is a great way for people to save more money for retirement. But how does it work? And what are some of the rules you need to be aware of? Our blog answers these questions and gives you a step-by-step guide for doing a Backdoor Roth IRA.


Labor Day and Community Service [Video]

Labor Day and Community Service. We all love breaks from the routine Labor Day, for example, we don’t have to go into work we can do what we need. But what if this year you gave up your time rather than doing what you wanted.