Charitable Giving Reminders For 2020 [Video]

by Financial Design Studio, Inc. / December 7, 2020

One light can put off some light, but imagine stringing a bunch together like on the Christmas tree here behind us. The light starts filling the room.  The room starts glowing. And that’s just like you and I.  When we do things on our own it’s good, but when we start working together as a team that’s really when we start to shine our brightest.  Is charitable giving one of the things still on your to-do list? Learn how you can make a bigger impact with these final reminders.

1. Partnering with others for charitable giving!

You can partner with a business or organization to reach their giving goals.

As we are filling these Operation Christmas child boxes we do it on behalf of you. Even as we fill these boxes with basic necessities we do it for someone else and we remember just how much we have been blessed by God. So as we are partnering together, with you, to fill these boxes we together can shine brighter!

2. Does your company have a Charitable giving match program? 

Another way to increase your impact is to see if your company has a matching program for charitable giving. As you look to support those charities that are really special to you see if your company has a matching program that will actually increase the impact of the amount that you are giving. Many employers will match a percentage or dollar amount of what you give to that organization too. This is a fantastic way to give more!

Choose a way to give that works for you!

This may be a year where those who normally give who can’t so you may need to shine brightly so that others can see that from you. There are many ways that you can do this; you can deliver groceries, make a meal, you can pack boxes like this, or you can just spend time with someone else to shine your light and sharing that time with someone else.

We will match your family’s gift you give, one per family, to help make our charitable giving impact bigger together! Please post a picture on our social media posts to our Facebook or LinkedIn pages so we can match your gift.

charitable giving

As always when you’re giving remember there are tax benefits too. We reminded everyone recently of a new tax credit to be sure to utilize.

We know this year has been really challenging and we really want to thank you for all of your support this year and shining your own light on us to help us all get through this year.  So from our family to yours Merry Christmas!

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Financial Design Studio, Inc.

We are financial advisors in Deer Park and Barrington, IL. A team with a passion for helping others design a path to financial success — whatever success means for you. Each of our unique insights fit together to create broad expertise, complete roadmaps, and creative solutions. We have seen the power of having a financial plan, and adjusting that plan to life. The result? Freedom from worrying about the future so you can enjoy today.