The Mega Backdoor Roth IRA Strategy [Video]
What else can you save for retirement? If you’ve already tried the backdoor strategy, its time to do the MEGA backdoor Roth IRA strategy!
Should You Refinance Your Mortgage? [Video]
Wondering if you should refinance your mortgage? This video will walk you through what you need to know from loan-to-value to interest rates.
Employee Benefits: Open Enrollment, The Most Valuable Benefits [Video]
[Video] Employee Benefits: Open Enrollment, The Most Valuable Benefits | Three very important benefits to make sure you are utilizing them to the best extent you can
Financial Goals: Are We There Yet?[Video]
[Video] Financial Goals: Are We There Yet? | Do you know what your end goal looks like?
Investing Based On When You Need Your Money [Video]
One way to invest is by determining what the time horizon of your financial savings goal is.
Should You Refinance Your Home? [Video]
Should you refinance your mortgage? This is a question we’ve been getting more and more frequently as interest rates have come down. But like any good financial planning answer – it really depends!