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February 2020 Investment Newsletter

Investment Newsletter: Mind Your Index! | Fee-Only Financial Advisor, Deer Park, Chicago, Barrington, Palatine

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Credit Card Usage Is Up

Credit cards have been a way of life in America for the last 40 years. You can’t watch a sporting event these days without hearing a “What’s in your wallet?” commercial from Capital One! During the Great Recession of 2008-2009 many Americans fell out of love with credit cards. Not only are they expensive, but…

fee only financial advisor deer park barrington deer park structure determines performance draft

Structure Determines Performance [Video]

Our daughter Emma loves to build puzzles. Initially she would find random pieces and try to put them together. Then she progressed to looking at this picture and finding the ones that are similar had the same colors. Eventually she got around to learning to find those corner pieces that edgings and then building structure. You know what? That’s true in our financial…


Markets Survive Yet Another Scare

Barely a month after the markets sold off due to the #WWIII scare between the U.S. and Iran, markets faced another test with the spread of the coronavirus. How did it fare this time around? It’s hard to believe the month of January is over! But here we are in February and the market has been…

fee only financial advisor deer park barrington chicago feel real draft

Feel Versus Real [Video]

Sometimes there’s a difference between what we think we’re doing and what we actually are.  See, I love the game of golf and recently I took a little camera like this, went outside, set it up behind myself and hit record.  I took some swings and when I went back and looked at it, I…

fee only financial advisor deer park chicago coronavirus affect on the market draft

Coronavirus Impact On The Markets

Coronavirus Impact On The Markets News out of China of a new contagion – the coronavirus – has spooked stock markets across the globe. Investors are clearly concerned that the global economy could experience an unexpected slowdown due to the virus’s spread.  First, we need to realize that the human cost of the virus far…

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Speed Reading Versus Speed Understanding [Video]

Do you remember hearing stories or reading books when you were a kid. Someone was trying to teach you something and maybe there was a lesson in those stories they were trying to get you to understand.  Well one of these that was very popular was the tortoise and the hare. And in this story,…

Big stocks are driving the market fee only financial advisor deer park barrington chicago draft

Mega-Caps Big Stocks Are Driving The Market

Big Stocks Are Driving The Market In August 2018 Apple became the first company in America to be valued at more than $1 trillion. Since then, both Microsoft and Google have joined the ranks of trillion-dollar companies, with Amazon knocking at the door.   The rise of the “mega-caps” – as they’re referred to (a…

fee only financial advisor deer park barrington chicago when should i refinance my mortgage draft

When Should I Refinance My Mortgage? And Other Mortgage Reminders. [Video]

Getting the right mortgage is one of the bigger financial decisions your family will ever have to make.  So if you are thinking about refinancing your mortgage, let me give you a couple tips for what you should be looking for.  Shorten The Term Of Your Mortgage The first tip is to look at SHORTENING…

fee-only financial advisor deer park, Chicago china trade deal tension draft

China – U.S. Trade Deal = Stronger Emerging Markets?

Phase 1 of the China-U.S. trade deal is signed this week, easing trade tensions between the two countries. How does this deal impact investment strategy? Since President Trump took office, the U.S. has imposed tariffs and other trade measures against China and other countries. At times, these moves cast a pall over stock markets, leading…


January 2020 Investment Newsletter

Investment Newsletter: Looking Ahead to 2020 | Fee-Only Financial Advisor, Deer Park, Chicago, Barrington, Palatine

financial design studio fee only financial advisors deer park hits and misses goals draft

Hits & Misses, Goals In Your Life [Video]

The last time we had family over, we pulled out some old games we had saved when we were kids.  One in particular is Battleship. It is a really fun game where you and your opponent try to find and sink each other’s five ships. And one really important part of this game is these…